We've got A's for your Q's

Are SmartCloud solutions suitable for all businesses?

SmartCloud solutions are a better fit for companies with:

a) All Kubernetes with: > 250 nodes, > 20 nodes per cluster, >50+ workloads per cluster (deployments, stateful sets, deamonsets, etc).

b) AWS Spend > USD 5 M /year

Is there a free trial for SmartCloud solutions?

Yes. We can perform a POC (Proof-of-Concept) in your cloud environment to identify potential savings through Monitor & Analysis. The setup process takes only a few minutes. Minimal permissions are required.

How many customers does SmartCloud have?

SmartCloud is a reseller partner of cutting-edge cloud technologies with thousands of customers worldwide in a myriad of sizes, industries and cloud environments  

AWS: Does SmartCloud require an agent or access to data in order to work?

No. In order to utilize AWS SmartCloud solutions, it is necessary to establish an IAM role and connect it to the dashboard. Additionally, registration to the RI Marketplace is required. These limited permissions allow our AI algorithms to analyze AWS usage data and execute commands for the purchase and sale of Reserved Instances.
